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The New Elmo TMX for Christmas

The new TMX Elmo, Fisher-Price's Twenty-First Century version of the furry red preschooler, has quickly surpassed the original in popularity. Tickle Me Elmo was one of the most difficult to find toys during the 1996 Christmas shopping season and now Elmo TMX is one of the hottest toys of 2006. Using sophisticated engineering, Fisher-Price has created a 14-inch laughing dynamo.

This Elmo represents the best in toy technology with an astounding ability to replicate the way it looks when uncontrollable laughter shakes your belly and causes you to drop hysterically to your knees. Adults and children alike are mesmerized by this Muppet's capabilities. In fact, since the Elmo TMX debut on Good Morning America in September, parents have hounded retailers to re-stock their shelves with more of what Toys 'R Us experts have dubbed the "Hot Toy" of 2006. Although it retails for $39.99, collectors are selling it on Amazon.

com and eBay for over $200. In fact, many believe that after 'Black Friday' (the day after Thanksgiving) the toy will be unobtainable for under $500. Elmo TMX (the X stands for X-treme) is all about action! Consumers want to laugh with Sesame Street's giggling fun fellow. Sit TMX Elmo down and hit one of his three "tickle" spots. There's one under his chin, one on his belly, and one on top of his foot.

This Elmo wiggles as he did 10 years ago, but then Elmo grabs his belly, falls forward, stands back up again only to fall over backwards, kicks his legs over his stomach, and then stands right back up, all while laughing hysterically. This year's Elmo TMX will surely be one of the hottest toys of the Christmas shopping season and will be a collector's item for years to come. The Elmo's have sold out at stores like Toys R Us and WalMart across the country. Store often have their entire inventory sold out within the first 10 minutes of restocking the shelves. Regional managers have reportedly said Fisher-Price is out of the Elmo TMX dolls for the rest of the holiday season and that the end of October was their last push of their inventory. It goes to show what an amazing toy this is when so many people can appreciate its design and technology.

It was almost instantly dubbed a Toys R Us 2006 "Hot Toy" and was also added to the 'Fabulous 15' - Best of the Holiday Season list. Combined with a lot of hype and. Combined with a lot of marketing hype and brand recognition from the Elmo TMX predecessor, Tickle Me Elmo, Fisher-Price has yet again provided an amazing toy for the Christmas shopping season.

More information and Elmo TMX reviews can be found at www.ShoppingNexus.com. Shopping Nexus compares prices for all your http://www.shoppingnexus.com/Christmas shopping. Find the Elmo TMX and the Elmo TMX Giveaway this holiday season. Compare prices and products at ShoppingNexus.com today.

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